Fuel Delivery Service

Compass are a nationwide fuel delivery supplier. We’ll ensure your order is with you within 48 hours purchase, all made possible with over 600+supply points throughout the UK.

On-Site Fuel Delivery Service

Little time to spare? We offer same or next day delivery to any location in the UK. At Compass, diesel, gas oil or heating oil is delivered 20l containers to 36,000 litres any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Fuel Delivery Service

To learn more about our fuel delivery services, give us a call today on 0330 128 9838 and request a quote based on your requirements and the latest fuel prices.

Compass also offer a wide range of other wholesale fuels, including:


  • Red diesel
  • White Diesel/DERV
  • HVO Fuel
  • Industrial Heating Oil
  • Premium Paraffin